First Territorial Capitol State Historic Site

Contemplate the territorial and national conflict over slavery at the first meeting place of the “bogus” legislature at Fort Riley, Kansas.

For four days in 1855 Governor Andrew Reeder and the territorial legislature met here. Their actions here would help lead to the Civil War. Away from the influence of proslavery influence of Missouri the legislature planned to choose a permanent seat of government, create a constitution, and decide if Kansas would be a free or slave state. Discover the stories of territorial Kansas here alongside the beauty of the Kaw River nature trail. Operated with Partners of First Territorial Capitol.

This site is located on a U.S. Army post. All visitors are required to present photo ID, car insurance papers, and registration. Visitors must enter through the Henry Gate (Exit 301, U.S. Interstate 70) unless they have a military ID. They must fill out paperwork and wait a minimum of 10-20 minutes while an instant background check is performed. Those with licenses from Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, and Washington state can no longer enter an installation on their ID alone, they must bring two forms of ID to enter the base per the REAL ID Act. Fort Riley's Visitor Control Center has a phone line where they will answer questions at 785-239-2982.


Adult $3

Students $1

Under age 5 - free

Members - free

Contact Information

692 Huebner Road

Fort Riley, KS 66442

Phone: 785-784-5535


Location Type


National Register of Historic Places

Site Info

ID Required

Wheel Chair Accessible